Daily Talk


Dail in

I can barely hear you.

(not hear clearly) Sorry, I miss some points. I didn’t hear you. Are your voice broken?

Who do we have on the call? Do you want to go first?

This is from SVL, we have x1 x2 and myself, we are waiting for x3 to dail/dail/ in. only three of us here

we are waiting for more folks to join.

xx is on her way. Even I saw her.

I have unpredictable/non-stopping meetings today.


we don’t always get thing right at first time, so we need to evolve it.

we need to do sth to fix the pain.

any questions or anything we are missing?

I think it’s a great start, it covers a lot of content, awesome.

besides what we have already gone though, can you go back to xxx slide.

for steps 2-5, how long does that typically take? it seems not a labor-intensive work

Thanks for your quick turnaround: an abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favorable situation

It is fungible/'fʌndʒəbl/: replaceable by another identical item;

can you pls weight in on this item, as it is blocking our development until we get an answer.

open to any ideas folks have about how that could work

they are individual users, not company users

I just want to send a reminder to everyone who is working on new features or modifying old ones, when you introduce or modify A resource please ensure B is met from the get-go. This is also true for any new data sets / objects introduced in Q stack and P stack. B is a mandatory compliance and we get flagged each time we violate it.

it could also result in a situation where manually deleting data to fix the violation is not in our control and we have to reach out to partner teams for it which adds additional toil on the folks who have to deal with these violations.

Please ensure you have build mechanism to handle X for all your resources.

For questions/doubts/explanations, plesse do not hesitate/ˈhezɪteɪt/ to reach out to xxx.

Since we are a pretty small team, so we can work closely.

I will set up another call early next week to converge on a proposed solution

I don’t remember that any more, and it is in a messy area with many experiments

I will give you my 2 cents on xxxx.

shout/ʃaʊt/ out to xxx: thanks to

sorry I must have missopke(misspeak) / misread!!!

We are setting up a war room chat and waiting for green light for rollout.

This time does not work for me.

Get started in a minute or 2, just give others the opportunity to join the call.

Why don’t we get started? We have a bunch of material to cover and we need to leave time for questions.

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Articulate High level design and questions
  • feel free to interrupt if you have any questions.
  • let me know if you have questions so far.
  • I will be happy to answer your questions.
  1. If you can provide code fragment/ˈfræɡmənt/, resources
  2. Chat normally
  3. Bye, close the meeting

Something came up at last minute, sorry (to cancel the meeting)

he is running late, let’s wait 5 more minutes have something unplanned/ˌʌn’plænd/…

Any questions before we close (end the meeting).

Describe Problem

owing to/due to the important customer issue we’ve observed in region A and multiple ongoing stabilization efforts, we’ve held back from upgrading to 1.69 in the region.

please create a follow up ticket to track xxx

this pg is stock out(out of stock), another still has nodes in stock

the calls are fairly sparse/spɑːrs/ on xx side.

注意转折的链接,没有系动词, 介词: I think this slipped past regression test because we don’t have a long-standing PC in stg, we should have a PC doesn’t get deleted each regression run that we run expansion/contraction on.

this may have ripple effect in other projects in-progress within SVL.

there are some obscure problems came up.

the question is less about our individual role but more about how it fits into the e2e process and being able to go through the process during the testing as opposed to just seeing the use case in the document.

the underlay playbook will be one time at the time of row creation.

that’s where the role of ops comes in, or bring the responsibility to network team, this is a responsibility shift we should be aware of, this is happening for the very first time.

the pg pool update is more dynamic.

that understanding we could get from Nixon.

I just think we need to go through some cycles of this to be comfortable with it and so far we just reviewed the use cases in the document.

we are open to get involved in the testing wherever you see fit.

some of the files must have setuid bit set in order to function properly.

Jaijeet can take the topic.

Kannu covered a lot we did last week.

(别再说 I don’t know了😂) it’s unknown to me. It’s a complete black box to me. I don’t have answer to this question. I don’t have answer to all of these now. I cannot make any promise now. It’s hard to have a binary answer yes or no.

I am not qualified to do that. Here’s the document to figure it out, can you try it for me?

I ran into the same issue.

I don’t want to clutter/mess up/screw up the cluster…

Is there any workaround for this? Run something without killing my cluster?

let us talk over on this on monday - seems convoluted (费解的).

not sure it’s possible or not

So what happens right now … what happening is that … How come the output file is missing …

Let me know if any issues. What is your opinion Badal?

Elaborate the context, open the git issue if necessary. We need to understand the problem exactly(without discrepancy/dɪsˈkrepənsi/).

I would say don’t do that. we do have this fix. I will take a look at it today.

They didn’t articulate/ɑːrˈtɪkjuleɪt/ what need to test.

I haven’t got time to stay with Deep to discuss…

That’s what I am discussing with you. We don’t have anything to lose.

we are still facing the issue. Something is failing intermittently, hard to figure it out what is the problem.

Network hiccups/'hikʌp/, glitch/ɡlɪtʃ/, transient issue, self-recovered

What am I supposed to conclude?

I take what I said back again

I am still struggleing myself for this issue.

Nothing is working, we need to engage UI team, API team.

I am able to open the defect (ticket/issue) but not able to assign.

It is much easier said than done.

It is a big list but by no means it is a exhausted list

Make sure that it stays a useful tool and doesn’t become a maintenance headache/nightmare.

check out(pull)/in(push) the code (github).

Other things are more or less similar. There are a few notable differences from …

go/read/step through … sth is populated from … 什么被什么填充

analogy /əˈnælədʒi/ to sth. 类比什么 After updates, take the appropriate next steps.

This is an evolving project. As such就这点而论, be sure to consult its GitHub repository to find the latest installation instructions

It is commonly understood as the elapsed time or lag time between a request and its completion.

Let’s give it some soak/soʊk/ time.

I don’t get your question? You get the point!

From the technical perspective,… As oppose to running locally using docker compose, use kubernetes right away so you can spot the problems early.

Sorry for confusion, …

If there is no task with high variety, I can finish it by …

we have some technical/engineering difficulties/complexity.


start this thread to close the external dependency for…

I send message over holiday as it is convient to me, you are not obligated/ˈɑblɪˌɡet/ to respond on a hoilday.

please let us know if there are any concerns or deviation from xxx: the action of departing from an established course or accepted standard

not much movement since last week, let me ping people.

Ack, give me 1 hour please, in the middle of live debugging.

I have some pending items in my plate.

It’s a overkill for me.

I was primarily working on … I would suggest…

I did’t make much progress yesterday.

I am going to mimic what you did … I will continue on the effort to …

we need to do that standalone … I haven’t started, it will not take too long …

This is a ad hoc task. (Ad hoc tasks are work items that can be created unprepared that are not initially part of a modeled process flow)

Anything else on your side?

That’s my status. That’s all in my side.

(什么时候完成?) When do you think you can put these in place? When do you expect to have a draft for review?

targeting/ETA mondya EOD. I am going to close it push/slip it to next sprint

definitely (明确地)

This is our major block. We plan to finish it by 8/28 or schedule need to be extended. Please let me know ASAP as I have to report to …

I am done, can I go/drop? The things left for me are … it’s not urgent.

I will let someone know and ask … so we get immediate attention. more or less the same/similar Is this still something that needs attention? It is unclear from the comments. Please advise.

Also DM(direct message) me the cluster info if this still needs attention.

I need to go back and see all the notes. go over your notes

There may be some potential issues that we cannot see right now. To be complete, let me mention …

XX seems to be waiting on some inputs. Do you think a discuss with XX will help?

I am not sure what do we need to proceed here.

Let’s put debug details aside (放一边) and proceed with … For now we leave the … outside until we figure it out.

Meanwhile(in parallel) 与此同时做什么

Not sure how far did you get with debugging? Need some time, since I am not admin.

I am taking most of my time doing sth… could you please support about the … I cannot find …

I am actively working on x,y and c and I don’t have bandwith to do I have taken over the ownership of … I am not fully aware of the process.

its structure makes absolutely no sense to a new user.

it has been a while since I checked it… 做了什么事有一段时间了… = it’s been a while

since then, … it is on the roadmap: it is part of a planned strategy or schedule for development or implementation.

Office Talk

it is after hours

he will be on leave next week

Sorry to bug you.

Do you go by xxx: is used when asking someone if they prefer to be called or known by a particular name.

examine/outline sth. iterating over time 如此往复… sth is discernable/di’sə:nəbl/ in … 有迹可循

It seems we have different readings/understanding on … I will sync up/ set with you later… We are on the same page now. Hopefully we can walk through the doc and fill in the gaps and identify any others.

I’m not familiar with this… I’ll have a look later today and will let you know if I figure out how it works.

强硬催人: Sorry for the push. When you have some time - please do check and let us know. Please let know. Any luck with xxx?

I just stop by. can you come over?

Hi chengdol, can you come to my office for a sec?

My bad for not being clear, I was specifically asking about Apologize for the long delay…

One quick question, …

if you have bandwidth you can start to work on …

Can you give me a quick overview about …

Distracted by the conversations/oncalls … will find comfort room to dail in

Thanks, this is a big call. we have a hard stop at 11:00 AM (for meeting)

you raise/give a bunch of information…

can I drop off(挂断)or I need to stay here?

Is the system back on line? Getting system up today.

users are allowed to elevate their privileges to root. we don’t want to escalate this issue. we will raise this question to XX team and get approval for not using it.

I get lost at this part… I feel a little bit abstract on … please don’t deviate my question. I don’t know whether … will fit in.

Make sense? He can leverage me when thing is not going

Nevermind I got what I needed (问了问题别人还没回答自己找到答案了)

who may know better on this.

(别人说了sorry什么的) That’s OK.

How can I get plugged/plʌɡ/ into the project/team/community?

Get educated ourselves This is a necessity

Use the navigation/ˌnævɪˈɡeɪʃn/ on the left to … 左边的菜单栏

Just in case the above link vanishes some day, I am capturing the main piece of the solution below.

Sorry if it’s off topic, …

A rather unusual situation, …

kubernetes and docker will part ways (分道扬镳)

out-of-hours, outside working hours, in-hours, work time. 描述工作,非工作时间.


I will spend my part time on it

we can follow up with you on that.

could you please suggest steps to remediate?

please advise?

It might have slipped/slɪp/ from my TODO

We will not be able to immediately pick this up, I will add it to our backlog/ hotlist.

I wonder what the implications might be for us?

This issue doesn’t appear to be related to xxx, but an underlying xxx issue with networking…

We should investigate why the network performance is so bad.

This likely also explains some of the poor performance seen for the NFS mounts.

I’m going to remove my name from this one as the software appears(seems) to be functioning as designed, but is limited by the underlying infrastructure.

If additional information comes up and anything else you want me to look at let me know.

Per previous discussion, assigning this to you for now.

Not mission critical.

xxx incurs/introduces overhead.

Provide context and a shared language to describe …

pinpoint the problem.

There is a high likelihood that …

can easily carry out the tasks by their own.

On the flip side, … On the contrary/ˈkɑːntreri/, … in contrast, … Conversely, …

One-off operation 一次性

Countering security breaches, reliable defenses.

没明白对方说的什么: What did you say? Sorry I don’t come from this background. I am not in the context… It is not clear whay you are asking.


I was “under the weather”(身体不适) yesterday and could not make it to our call. Thanks for capturing this.

AFK for 1 hour.

have some personal errands/ˈerənd/

Departure for doctor appointment, will be off 4 hours


I’d also recommend that we don’t start the implementation until the design is approved to avoid throw-away work

what you are suggesting holds good for xxx

This proposal has been discarded.

TBH, I also only have limited visibility on legal side.

will we lose the trust with customer?

do all these works have to proceed sequentially? or can we do the UI work in parallel with the BE(backend)?

the state of the experiment and hence the visibility will be determined per user based on their group membership.

the advantages overweigh the overhead

what is the priority and severity/sə’vɛrəti/ of this customer case?

we inadvertently(unintentionally) patch XXX on this region: or we patch xxx without realizing it.

The proposals help alleviate/əˈliːvieɪt/ the follow pain points.

we have already evaludated xxx with external team and we are in violation.

Relibility is not the only question here, it’s the regional isolation that’s more important.

we have decided already that this is must be done, so lets not get into the question of whether or not it’s required, the how part is what we have to figure out.

thanks, that answer’s the first question.

They are in addition to above.

We can have a whiteboard session(the idea flies) to discuss it…

is it because the technical difficulty/engineering complexity or other things?

it is not just possible, it is happening.

the PM has resistance against the proposal because …

it is a long/medium term plan, it does not have funding yet

stable, reliable, sustainable, scalable, available, maintainable robust, resilient/rɪˈzɪliənt/

decision criteria: testability, maintainability, scalability, backward compatibility resuability, level of effort required

I am not sure if it is worth the trouble.

it is not foolproof but we should reduce the proliferation/prəu-,lifə’reiʃən/ of PII in notes and the tainted/'teɪntɪd/ data make it harder to manage compliance.

I think it’s a fair point.

I will check once on xxx side.

I will create some dummy/'dʌmi/ data for testing as per my scenario.

The steps to set available nodes as zero at the beginning of region bring up and opening it up as part of go-live tasks are missing in the checklist.

This should go whoever is responsible for xxx.

Defer to xxx (answer to a question or decision)

Add this to postmortem, please do conduct postmortem and analysis at your earliest convenience.

let me structure this a little bit and talk to you.

I will catch you up later. (fill the gap)

I will try to get that out(succeed in uttering, publishing, or releasing something) by tomorrow, if not by Monday for sure.

human-in-the-loop model/pattern (need human intervention)

Irrespective on the engineering side we are working on a plan to evaluate the impact based on both Iperf and xxx

The first option seems a non-starter, since we cannot get blank access to all clouds.

The transition to support and ops is complete and they are onboarded

We can leverage other teams’ achievements to speed up the process. = We can take advantage of other teams’ achievements to speed up the process.

We have different reading on …let’s have xxx to explain on it

let’s put one step back

Here is a guess/suspect/speculation/ˈspekjuleɪt/, it remains skeptical/ˈskeptɪkl/

Looks like we once again run into the … issue caused by …

The theory didn’t hold.

… is not designed in that way, I suggest to read to recap what is the purpose of … and how does it interplay/interact with …

IMO,IMHO … The doc is based on incorrect assumption, specifically, see … Consequently, I don’t believe … it is a most plausible alternative solving the issue of …

How to push back request effectively

Requires a delicate/ˈdelɪkət/ balance of assertiveness, diplomacy, and providing well-reasoned arguments.

  1. Understand the Request: Make sure you fully understand the PM’s request and the reasons/values behind it. Ask clarifying questions to get a clear picture of the requirements and the expected outcomes.
  • Could you clarify the main objectives and expected outcomes for this feature? I want to make sure we’re on the same page.

  • How often does that happen? (if it is low frequency and has manual fix, then it does not have high priority)

  • What’s current workaround or solution.

  1. Gather Data and Facts: Before the meeting, gather data, metrics, and facts to support your position. This could include technical constraints, resource limitations, potential risks, or user feedback.
  • “cannot provide any promise or funding this now, get back to you later after gathering more metrics, data to see if it worth the effort and how much effort is needed.”
  • “I’ve reviewed the performance metrics, and our current infrastructure may not support the scalability requirements of this feature.”
  1. Acknowledge the Request: Start by acknowledging the PM’s request and showing appreciation for their input. This sets a positive tone for the discussion.
  • “I understand that this feature could be beneficial for our users and aligns with our product goals.”
  • “I appreciate your suggestion to add this feature, as it could potentially enhance user engagement.”
  1. Express Concerns Diplomatically: Clearly and respectfully express your concerns about the request, focusing on the potential challenges, risks, or impacts on the team and project.
  • “However, I have some concerns about the technical complexity of implementing this feature within our current timeline.”
  • "However, given our current workload and the technical challenges involved, I’m concerned that we may not be able to deliver this feature within the proposed timeline.
  1. Provide Alternatives: Offer alternative solutions or compromises that address the PM’s needs while accommodating the team’s constraints or concerns.
  • “Instead of implementing the feature as initially proposed, what if we consider a phased approach or explore alternative solutions that could achieve similar outcomes more efficiently?”
  • “Instead of a full-fledged feature, what if we start with a simpler version or a prototype to test the concept and gather user feedback?”
  • “I am also interested in it, but I more prefer to have it until we have clear understanding the longer term plan, otherwise the effort might not be aligned with the future design, we can keep it as what it is for now.”
  1. Seek Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and open dialogue by inviting the PM and other stakeholders to discuss and brainstorm solutions together.
  • “follow up meeting with more stakeholders.”
  • “I believe that by working together, we can find a solution that meets our objectives while considering the team’s capacity and the project’s constraints.”
  • “I can spend partial time on it: 30%”
  1. Be Open to Feedback: Be receptive to feedback and be prepared to adjust your position based on new information or perspectives presented during the discussion.
  • “I’m open to feedback and would appreciate your insights on how we can best address this feature request while considering our current priorities and constraints.”


  • scale, stress and performance testing is in-progress.

  • we will be starting complete tear down of testing env, the below ones will be dismantled.


This feature has been top of mind for customers/account team, xxx

This cross-functional project brought many teams together in delivering this impactful feature, a big thank you to xx team, partner team and leadership for their contributions in makeing this accomplishment in reality.

If we miss any team/person, please drop us a note or add them in the thread.


For other people

I am grateful that when we could interact, although it was rare

was very nice working with you, all the best to your next stage!

People will miss you!

please carry on the good work!

whom can I reach to now, I mean your replacement.

We will be having farewell lunch for xx at xx on Monday, Febr 3rd. Let’s meet and wish him all the best in his new role and Thank him for all the GREAT work he did for our team. Please RSVP by Thursday.

Thanks for all the work you did… I will surely miss your expertise.


Resignation letter to manager Dear XXX,

Please accept this message as notification that I am going to leaving my position and my last day will be July 24, two weeks from today.

I have enjoyed my time at XXX and will miss working with you and the team. I’m proud of the work we’ve done. Thank you for your professional guidance and support, I wish you and XXX the best success in the future.

Please let me know what to expect as far as my final work schedule, accrued vacation leave, and my employee benefits.

I’m also happy to help assist in training my replacement during the transition and make it as smooth as possible.


I was previously working at XXX in San Jose as a software engineer, I’m particularly interested in Linux, Cloud Computing, especially the container orchestration. In my free time I enjoy hiking, playing piano, and writing on my blog.

Resignation letter to peers Dear colleagues and friends, this Friday, Jan 24th will be my last day at xx, but this Is not a note to say good bye. This is a note to say thank you.

I am so thankful for my time here at xxx and for all of the wonderful people who have I have had the privilege to work with.

I have learned so much and been inspired by many of you over the years. I am so grateful for all the gifts the people of xx have given me and I can only hope in some way I have inspired some of you as well.

I take my leave from xx because of a unique opportunity to leverage all I have learned, and build some really cool xx solutions right here in my beloved Chicago. Leaving IBM and all the people I love here was the hard part, even with the exciting opportunity ahead of me.

from Book

This book is a broad overview of living on the Linux command line

Another goal is to acquaint/əˈkweɪnt/ you with the Unix way of thinking

This book is divided into four parts

ordinary tasks that are commonly performed from the command line working directory = current directory You will thank yourself later reveal/rɪˈviːl/ more details examine text files (这个词要用起来) here are some all-time favorites: …

As we gain Linux experience,… Without a proper understanding of expansion, the shell will always be a source of mystery and confusion.

… does the trick.

How to go far

  1. Early draft
  2. Comments and discussion about content, presentation
  3. synthesizing many ideas
  4. respectful discussion and disagreement
  5. lose the ego
  6. learn to take criticism
  7. learn from mistakes

How to feedback

  1. Show the intent(do you have a few minutes)
  2. Show the data
  3. Show the impact
  4. Leave room for questions
  5. Ask for feedback proactively (peers, manager, team)