Practical Vim, 2nd Edition

看这种书挺枯燥,还是learn by doing 比较好,使用一段时间就很明确自己需要什么功能了。

By default oc/kubectl edit will use vi in Linux if environment variable OC _EDITOR is empty, if you have .vimrc that is not compatible with vi, will get error message, to use vim set export OC_EDITOR=vim or export KUBE_EDITOR=vim.

Other resources

How I booted my Vim Informative!! I grab lots of configurations from it, go and poke around the author’s vimrc file.

Vim Tutorial Videos There are a lot, see O`Reilly.

Actually you can learn Vim by running command vimtutor in your terminal, it is a simple and quick tutorial. For a quick review, just see summary after each lesson.

Daily Foundation



.vimrc is just like .bashrc. you create a .vimrc (even it’s empty) to tell vim use vim not vi-compatiable mode!

关于vimrc的配置,参考my github repo:

  1. Basic configuration
  2. Custom key mapping
  3. Vimscript plugin

About mapping:

  • nmap: normal mode
  • vmap: visual mode
  • imap: insert mode
  • map: normal, visual and operating-pending mode
  • map!: command and insert mode

To list mapping: :map or more specific :vmap

Which mode is currently use should be clear: Normal mode, Insert mode and Visual mode, Command-Line mode, Replace mode, etc. Visual mode lets us select text in the buffer and then operate on the selection.

If you suspect that your customizations are causing interference, here’s a quick test. Try quitting Vim and then launching it with these options:

vim -u NONE -N

The -u NONE flag tells Vim not to source your vimrc on startup. That way, your customizations won’t be applied and plugins will be disabled. In older versions of Vim, not loading a vimrc file activates vi compatible mode, which causes many useful features to be disabled. The -N flag prevents this by setting the nocompatible option. Since version 8.0 of Vim, the nocompatible option is set by default, making the -N flag unnecessary.

vim -N file: -N not using vi compatible mode, use newer vim mode. or can configuring in .vimrc file.

:set list, :set nolist, :set list?, :set list&: set, unset, check value, set as default. 以此类推.

set autochdir "auto set current dir as working dir
set wildmode=list:longest "activate TAB auto-complete file path

Reload .vimrc Reload .vimrc without restarting vim: :source ~/.vimrc. 已经加入vimrc了。


Vim 8.0 has its own built-in package manager. For Vim version less than 8.0, I use vim-plug as the plugin manager: You can even specify git address of the plugin, for example:

Plug ''

If the plugin does not get auto installed, run :PlugInstall, check the plug status by :PlugStatus. 这些在vim-plug README中都有说明。

Please see my vim-configuration git repo, download the vimrc file.

  • nerdtree: file system explorer for vim editor
  • fuzzyfinder: fzf
  • buffer explorer: 比默认的buffer要好看
  • taglist: source code browser

NERDTree,在目录界面中通过m启动常规文件/文件夹操作。C回车 进入子文件夹。

Display Management

Vim中切换编辑多个文件: :cd /tmp change vim working directory :pwd show current working directory :set hidden (put it in .vimrc): :e . browse current directory, select file to edit

:ls list buffer (open files)

  • %: buffer in current window
  • +: unsave changes
  • =: read-only

:bn go to next buffer :bp go to previous buffer :bd delete buffer, such as :bd5 :bf go to first buffer :bl go to last buffer :b3 go to 3rd buffer gf jump to the file under the cursor, use ctrl+o jump back

可以在vim :e <path> 中直接创建,删除文件或者文件夹,显示long format, sort等

在使用vim-plug加载插件后,这部分功能失效了, 不过可以使用command mode去做查看。

  • i: long, thin, tree format
  • s: sort by name, time, file size
  • r: reverse sort order
  • gh: hide or unhide dotfiles
  • d: make a directory
  • D: delete file or directory
  • R: rename file or dir
  • -: go up a directory

windows & splits

All start with ctrl+w:

  • s: split horizontally

  • h: move focus left

  • l: move focus right

  • v: split vertically

  • j: move focus down

  • k: move focus up

  • w: cycle focus

  • p: focus previous win

  • c: close win current focus

  • o: close all win except current focus

:h window-resize, check for window resize.

  • +: enlarge windows, 5+
  • -: reduce windows, 3-


各个文件单独的tab,不用划分window了, 这个部分是放在vimrc中的:

" Tab mappings
" The default leader key is \
let mapleader="," " remap leader key to ,
" invoke for example: ,tt
map <leader>tt :tabnew<cr>
map <leader>te :tabedit
map <leader>tc :tabclose<cr>
map <leader>to :tabonly<cr>
map <leader>tn :tabnext<cr>
map <leader>tp :tabprevious<cr>
map <leader>tf :tabfirst<cr>
map <leader>tl :tablast<cr>
map <leader>tm :tabmove

What is Leader key in Vim? The Leader key is a way of extending the power of VIM’s shortcuts by using sequences of keys to perform a command.


Using hjkl (在后续许多命令中都有涉及) or arrow keys to move around, can have number ahead to indicate how many line to move.

:q! quit without saving. :wq quit with saving, always retouch the timestamp. sometimes using :q! and :wq!:

:x the same as :wq, but write only when changes have been made. :w filename used to save file to filename. :w !sudo tee % write to sudo with current file name, % represent current file name. (用在保存更改read-only文件的内容)

Quick Movement A append at end of the line, a appends after cursor. I insert ata head of the line, i insert at cursor. W jump contiguous words, w jump one word. o will open a line below cursor, O open above. 3w move 3 words forward, 0 move to the start of the line. ^ go to first non-empty char in line 3fn find 3rd n char at this line. repeat by ;

Screen line movement

screen line指被terminal因宽度限制产生的行,并不是指原始的很长的那一行。 g0, gm, g$: start, middle, end of a line. gk, gj: move up/down in screan line (can use arrow instead k/j ).


Press G to move you to the bottom of the file. Type gg to move you to the start of the file. line number + G or line number + gg will go to the line specified. To go back to where you came from press Ctrl-o (Keep Ctrl down while pressing the letter o). To go forward Ctrl-i H, M and L move the cursor to top, medium and bottom of current page zt, zz, zb: move cursor line to top, middle, bottom of screen

Make Mark

For example, jump back and forth spots: :marks


Shift configuration is in .vimrc:

" shift with tab
set tabstop=2 " Global tab width.
set shiftwidth=2 " And again, related.
set expandtab " Use spaces instead of tabs
" extremely useful to edit yaml file
set autoindent " always set autoindenting on
set copyindent " copy the previous indentation on autoindentin

:retab: replace all tabs with spaces in current buffer.

>>, << shift current line, 4>>, 4<< block shift with 4 lines together. In insert mode, can use tab itself to shift (now override by auto-complete in my vimrc file), or using ctrl+t, ctrl+d: shift right and left.

对于code block indention,我在.vimrc 中设置了vmap, 用visual mode选中后shift就很方便了。

Search and Replace

/ search forward, ? search backword. when hit the search, n go forward, N go backword. If the cursor is at search word, use * to search forward, # search back, use g*, g# do partial match search.

/case\c search case-insensitive, /CaSe\C search case-sensitive. \c and \C can be anywhere in pattern.

:s/old/new/g to substitute old by new in a line for all occrurences. you must place the cursor in that line. To change every occurrence of a character string between two lines, :#,#s/old/new/g where #,# are the line numbers of the range of lines where the substitution is to be done. :%s/old/new/g to change every occurrence in the whole file. :%s/old/new/gc to find every occurrence in the whole file, with a prompt whether to substitute or not, c is confirmation.

For case-sensitive: :%s/old/new/Igc, but actually can be :%s/old\C/new/gc.

Copy and Paste

这里和vim 的 register有关. Default is unnamed register, delete, change, substitute, search and yank all use registers.

Pasting text into a terminal running Vim with automatic indentation enabled can destroy the indentation of the pasted text:, use vim-bracketed-paste can fix this.

Show register contents: :registers

y is copy operator, for example, yw copy one word, y$ copy to end of the line and yy used to copy a line, then you can paste through p. you can use v to select and copy. By default it uses unnamed register. Register 0 always stores the yank content, so you can use "0p to paste.

"ayy, "ap use register a to yank and paste. Usually we use a~z and A~Z register, the uppercase register can append text to current content.

使用上不同文件之间copy/paste没啥问题,但如果需要copy到system clipboard,需要设置: vim has to be compiled with clipboard support for any of the suggestions mentioned here to work. Mine wasn’t configured that way on Mac OS X by default and I had to rebuild vim. Use this the command to find out whether you have it or not:

vim --version | grep 'clipboard'

+clipboard means you’re good and the suggestions here will work for you, while -clipboard means you have to recompile and rebuild vim.

d is the delete operator, use motion to specify the action, for example dw, de, d$. Without d, vim just move the cursor: w, e, $ 2dw delete 2 words ahead 4dd delete 4 lines in a row Type p to put previously deleted text after the cursor. for example, you delete a line and replace it in another place

v and then you move the cursor to select the text you want, if you want to delete them next, type d, if you want to save the selected text to another file, press :, then type w filename. V is moved linewise.


这个非常有用,比如编辑yaml 文件。 Fold by syntax or indent (yaml). :sed foldmethod=indent/syntax zM, zR: fold and unfold all zi: toggle fold all zc, zo: close, open fold block za: toggle fold block zk, zj: move fold focus up and down

还可以根据file type去设定, for example:

" Automatic fold settings for specific files. Uncomment to use.
" autocmd FileType ruby setlocal foldmethod=syntax
" autocmd FileType css setlocal foldmethod=indent shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2



Block comment and uncomment

quick way to comment and uncomment block of codes comment:

  1. press Esc
  2. hit ctrl+v, enter visual block mode
  3. use arrow keys select the lines, it won’t highlight everthing, it’s ok
  4. shift+i
  5. insert the text you want, e.g: #, //, %
  6. press Esc twice


  1. press Esc
  2. hit ctrl+v, enter visual block mode
  3. use arrow keys select text you want to delete
  4. press x to delete the text


Press u to undo the last commands, U to undo all the changes in a line. crtl+r to undo undo.

Type rx to replace the one character at the cursor with x. R is used to replace more then one chars, type R then get into insert mode.

ce deletes the word and places you in Insert mode, so you can type new word, it will replace old ones. c is change operator, just like d. 比如要更改3个连续的words 在某行中: c3w, then type.

Ctrl+g will show cursor location in the file and the file status, also the file name.

% is used tp match another part of (, [ or {. This is very useful in debugging a program with unmatched parentheses. 也可以用来match其他block语句,比如if-end。

:!<commands> is used to execute external commands, for example :!ls -ltr /tmp. (the same as IPython)

:r filename will retrive the file placed under the cursor. you can also read the output of an external command, :r !ls -ltr.
