Leadership Principle

今天决定把Soft Skill相关的总结单独分出来。除了日常工作对话,后续重要的技能包括email, phone, technical writing 以及 negotiation, management等.

关注并接触Leadership 是始于Amazon的面试准备,虽然我很烦在面试中考察这种形式化的东西,但我不得不说它非常重要,特别是在英文背景中我这方面欠缺挺大的,必须要系统性的总结一下。

Leadership View

I think you have been doing a nice job.

figure out customer requirements hold meetings write agendas status reports

Critical skill of being a leader:

  • Communication
  • Effective management skill
  • Emotional intelligence (情商) and Empathy

Communicate in clear, credible and authentic way. Use passion and confidence to enhance the message.(口音,表情,肢体语言) Inspire, motivate others Informs, persuades, guides, assures

when you be a leader in your new team:

  • devote time and energy to establishing how you want your team to work
  • first few weeks are critical
  • get to know your team members
  • showcase your values
  • explain how you want the team to work
  • set and clarify goals, walk the talk
  • don’t be afraid to over communicate


  • 不要认为没建立关系也能完成工作
  • 不要假设成员理解你的工作模式和期望
  • 不要担心在开始阶段过多的重复谈话(reiterate the stragety over and over)

What does leadership mean to you? connection:

  • focus on the person
  • influence
  • words


  • vision
  • action
  • drive change


  • inspire motivation
  • long-lasting motivation

Why they will follow you? make them feel comfortable, configent and satisfied:

  • trust
    • be open, fair and listen
    • admit mistake
    • be decisive
    • respect the opinions of others
  • compassion
  • stability
  • hope

Effective Leader

The more it becomes about people. The less it becomes about your personal tech expertise. The broader your domain becomes, making you even more removed.

Always be deciding(identify ambiguity, make tradeoff) Always be leaving(make the team self-drive without you) Always be scaling
