Geopolitical Expression

The new flashpoint b/w china and the philippines

  • flashpoint, border dispute, maritime/ˈmærɪtaɪm/ dispute
  • vessel collisions
  • allegations/ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn/ of armed threat
  • nautical/ˈnɔːtɪkl/ mile
  • aggressive manoeuvres/məˈnuvɚ/
  • conducting a humanitarian/hjuːˌmænɪˈteriən/ mission
  • groundless accusation/ˌækjuˈzeɪʃn/
  • grounded ship 搁浅

US, Chinese officials discuss Biden-Xi talks as American elections loom large over relations

  • loom large over: idiom, something is of significant concern or importance
  • stabilizing communication
  • adviser, think tank 智库
  • For both sides, they have no strong motivation to push aggressively, because of the election, both are in a wait and see mode
  • Harris is expected to maintain a level of continuity with Biden’s China policy
  • Republican candidate Donald Trump had a combative and mercurial/mɝ’kjʊrɪəl/ relationship with China as president and has threatened to broadly expand American tariffs on Chinese imports if re-elected
  • China eastern theater 战区
  • US could escort/ˈeskɔːrt/ Philippine ships through the South China Sea
  • introductory remarks 开场白
  • correct its strategic understanding of China, return to a rational and pragmatic/præɡˈmætɪk/ policy toward China, respect China’s core interests
  • call on: diplomatic way of expressing a formal appeal or request.
  • protectionism 保护主义
  • high-tech that could have dual-use/ˈduːəl/ civilian and military purposes.

IBM retreats from China

  • western firms start to retreat from china
  • the geopolitical tension b/w bj and washington prompts
  • relations b/w the US and China have deteriorated over technologies like xxx
  • IBM is cutting more than 1000 jobs in china

Top Ukrainian pilot killed when US-made F-16 fighter jet crashed

  • long-awaited planes arrived in the country
  • The crash is being investigated and international experts will be invited to participate in the probe
  • anti-aircraft missile
  • The jets are multi-role: they can provide air cover for troops, attack ground targets, take on enemy planes and intercept missiles.
  • the jets are no silver bullet

  • This can lead them to overreach and be arrogant/ˈærəɡənt/, feel too contemptuous/kənˈtemptʃuəs/ of United States.

  • interfere vs intervene: “intervene” generally suggests getting involved in a situation to positively influence or assist, while “interfere” implies involvement that disrupts or negatively impacts the situation.

    • The teacher intervened to stop the bullying and resolve the conflict between the students.
    • I didn’t want to interfere with their plans, so I refrained from offering my opinion.
  • embassy(locates in capital of foreign country) vs consulate(other cities): Ambassadors lead embassies, while consuls or consuls general lead consulates.

  • Import Expo/ˈɛkspo/: a large exhibition

  • Foreign Minister, Foreign Ministry spokesperson, ministry of foreign affairs

  • ministry of economy

  • dumb question, cry more pls, spineless govt, money talks, time talks

  • national sovereignty/ˈsɑːvrənti/, economic sovereignty

  • propaganda war

  • state department (美国)国务院

  • supplement(for adding value to proposal in design) vs complement(互补)

  • democratic system, political system, public show

  • prisoner/ˈprɪznər/

  • I don’t oppose/əˈpoʊz/ the ideas such as feminism/'fɛmənɪzəm/ and LGBT

  • minority always duped to play US imperialist /ɪm’pɪrɪəlɪst/ game, legitimate/lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ issues and grievance/ˈɡriːvəns/ are then hijacked/ˈhaɪdʒæk/ by US agents to play their games.

  • hegemony/hɪ’dʒɛmoni/

  • view from a millennium/məˈlɛniəm/ perspective

  • they are not in a hurry

  • moving forward step by step seems to be the current strategy

  • despite the worst year in Chinese real estate history, China’s GDP growth can still maintain a growth rate of 5%. The Chinese economy is clearly transitioning from real estate to high-end manufacture such as electric vehicles and chips.

  • genocide/'dʒɛnəsaɪd/ against XJ muslims /ˈmʌzləm/

  • Find a patient who has been severely brainwashed, good luck.

  • it is so spectacular/spekˈtækjələr/! I am really looking forward to my upcoming travel to China, which coincides with the chinese spring festival

  • this video should be a long time ago, the fireworks are banned in many parts of China.

  • hydroelectric power plant: 水电

  • agricultural and mineral/ˈmɪnərəl/ product

  • Boeing max: flying coffin/ˈkɔfɪn/

  • laughing stock: 笑柄

  • arrest, prosecute/ˈprɑːsɪkjuːt/ and extort/ɪkˈstɔːrt/
