About me

This blog site was built on early 2019, most of the contents are the summary of daily work (How-tos), mistakes I made (common pain points), reading notes and existing emerging technology concepts.

For relaxing and recharging my batteries, I like listening music, flying drone and maintaining my old car. 这个博客始于2019年初,大部分记录我工作学习中的总结,踩坑和读书笔记。同时包含生活中的一些兴趣爱好:

Music Drone View Car

The profile picture is from my favorite cartoon. 我的头像是漫画<<神精榜>>中的崔少,漫画本身已经完结,陪伴我渡过了高中到大学本科的阶段。

Currently I am focusing on Devops, include Linux, microservices, networking, container orchestration(Kubernetes), infrastructure as code(Terraform) and system design. I am also interested in concurrency, Java backend and middleware. 我目前专注的领域是SRE, Devops and backend development, 包括 Linux,微服务,计算机网络,容器编排以及相关(Kubernetes), 基础设施即代码(Terraform), 以及 System integration and design.

I am now revisiting Python(as glue code) and learning Go, prepare to contribute to cloud-related open source projects. 最近在复习Python 和学习Go 语言,准备之后去开源社区做点贡献,我目前接触的云上应用大部分都是Go开发的,工作中主要是用Python作为各个部件的粘合剂。
