The Vagrant demo file please see my git repo Infratree Introduction Zookeeper quorum architecture, at least 3 nodes cluster setup ...
Golang OOP
Struct Go 用struct 实现OOP, 匿名字段可看作实现了继承关系,子类也可以重写父类的方法。 Note, there is also exported and unexported fields in struct, the same patte ...
Python3 Package
最近在做Project的时候发现一个package无法在jump box之外的机器上通过pip安装,后来发现这是一个内部开发的python package, 并且为jump box的pip做了设置,加入了内部的package repo address/cred ...
nc/netcat Command
I almost forget this command, but recently I used it as a TCP client to test Envoy TCP proxy. nc can also be a TCP server that lis ...
Design Document Layout
Reviewer Sheet Right after the title, list stakeholders in sheet: Username | Role | Status | Last Change | Reviewer ...
Python Concurrency
这里把Python concurrency的内容单独拿出来整理一下, 主要是multithreading, multiprocessing and asyncio. 根据需要选择适合场景的concurrency pattern, typs of concurr ...
Docker Entrypoint Script
I have a post Shell Arguments Format talked about exec "$@" (当时并没有在意为什么在docker中这么使用), the script is ...
nologin User
Previously I had a post talked about the login and non-login shell, please note that is a different concept with nologin user here ...
Useful Chrome Extensions
Some useful Chrome extensions: OneTab: 把多个tabs整理成列表在一个网页中,可分享。 Grammarly for Chrome: 英语语法检查。 SimpleUndoClose: 重新打开关闭的网页。 Screen S ...
Docker Smart Use
这里主要记录一下docker container 一些有意思的用法。 Version Release 可以将源码封装到 docker(tag) 或者 helm chart 中,通过check-in pre/post-CI/CD pipeline 发布,然后在 ...