//TODO: python socket module demos: https://pymotw.com/2/socket/uds.html 最近在做Proxy的工作,重新回顾和学习了很多相关的东西,这里把Socket的分类和概念梳理一下。 Socke ...
WebSocket Quick Start
Demo Git repo, create basic and secure websocket server and client via Python websockets module: https://github.com/chengdol/webso ...
Python Co-routine
Seeing the demo in websocket, Python websockets module is taking advantage of asyncio which provides an elegant coroutine-based AP ...
Car Registration Renewal
前几天收到了vehicle registration renewal的通知,这次需要做smog check (对于比较老的非电动 车辆,一般2年一次), 在google map上选择了一家评分较好又比较近的smog check station, 要知道 美国这 ...
Apache Server
因为需要验证Envoy CONNECT feature的缘故,我打算自己设置一个server with SSL/TLS测试: client <--------------> envoy proxy <--------------> Ap ...
Wget Use Case Summary
Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as ...
Python Simple Http(s) Server
最近为了在局域网中传输文件,用Python搭建了一个很简单的 HTTP web server to serve files, 其实有其他软件也可以完成类似功能,甚至scp command也行。不过这个简单的HTTP web server里面的 文件结构一目了然 ...
Docker Compose Quick Start
Docker Compose vs Docker Swarm The difference lies mostly in the backend, where docker-compose deploys container on a single Docke ...
Proxy Squid
//TODO [ ] https tunnel setup [ ] docker image build and test Introduction http://www.squid-cache.org/ Squid is a caching proxy fo ...
HTTP Quick Start
最近在做migrating Squid to Envoy的工作,其中涉及到了很多HTTP的内容。趁着这次机会深入学习一下,还有就是一些proxy的内容,已经单独拿出来总结了。 Introduction 非常不错的Tutorial, 把各部分都讲得很详细: MD ...