About LinkedList operation time complexity: Adding to either end of a linked list does not require a traversal, as long as you kee ...
Kubernetes API curl Access
In the situation that issue k8s instructions from inside the container, usually we use curl command to do that (if you have kubect ...
Linux DNS Exploration
DNS is the phonebook of internet. Comparison of DNS server software, be aware of alternatives. Cloudflare DNS course 内容很不错。 Issue ...
Linux Network Port Watching
This issue is from a machine without net-tools.x86_64 : Basic networking tools pre-installed, so netstat command does not exist. W ...
Linux Network Interface
Sometimes I need to know IP of specified network interface, for example eth0. There are several ways to do it: ifconfig command, ...
Specify Kubernetes API Server IP
Kubernetes version 1.13.2 When I was working on softlayer cluster, after installing kubernetes the kubectl command get stuck and r ...
Java equals Method
This is the first Java post in my blog, actually I have lots of summaries about Java in recently years, they just get accumulated ...
Setup SSH Pub Key Authentication
More information about ssh and scp can refer this post. This is about how to set up SSH public key authentication, after that you ...
Git Rename Limit
I encounter a git issue when I run these commands, they are used to sync up with origin/master: git_clean() { git reset --ha ...
Kubernetes Ingress
Kubernetes version 1.13.2 First understand basis: Ingress vs Load Balancer Kubernetes NodePort vs LoadBalancer vs Ingress? When s ...